Reverse Engineering DVR firmware

Benjamin Tamasi
5 min readJun 12, 2013
Configuration screen of a DVR system

Update: Read part 2, where I reverse engineer the system using a dump from the flash chip.

This is an article about my journey of reverse engineering DVR firmware with no prior knowledge about the topic, and just google as my mentor.

I have a DVR which has a password set, which of course has been forgotten. I have taken the entire thing apart, removed the battery, but the user password still remains. There is no option that I can find for a factory reset, that doesn’t require me knowing the admin password. I ran nmap on it, and discovered quite a few open ports, as well as… yes, you guessed it: telnet 🙂 That sounds fun! Anyway, this telnet option is not documented anywhere, so I have no idea what to type in when it asks for my login credentials. (It is not the same as the password for the DVR, I know this because I later recovered the password and tried the same for telnet) I think I should be able to avoid future hassles of forgetting passwords if I could somehow get into that telnet. Well, I downloaded a firmware update from the support website, the file looks like this: I extracted the zip, and I got this: 6204&08-S_V4.00.R10.20130104.bin. I booted up my trusty Backtrack in VMWare and got to work.

First I tried this: (I renamed the firmware file to dvr.bin, so it would be easier to type)

root@bt:~/Desktop# file dvr.bin
dvr.bin: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract

Well if this .bin file is just another zip, we better extract it:

root@bt:~/Desktop# unzip dvr.bin
Archive: dvr.bin
inflating: custom-x.cramfs.img
inflating: user-x.cramfs.img
inflating: romfs-x.cramfs.img
inflating: logo-x.cramfs.img
inflating: InstallDesc

Well the InstallDesc file is just ASCII text, looks like this:

{"UpgradeCommand" : [{"Command" : "Burn","FileName" : "romfs-x.cramfs.img"},{"Command" : "Burn","FileName" : "user-x.cramfs.img"},{"Command" : "Burn","FileName" : "custom-x.cramfs.img"}],"Hardware" : "BLOCK5008","Vendor" : "General"}

Looks to me like the commands for flashing this “img” files to system ROM. Anyway, what I am interested in, is what those other img files contain. I’m guessing the logo-x would probably contain a bitmap image or some other kind of image with the IDENTIVISION logo, and the other imgs probably contain the Linux OS itself.

Running file against the img files.

root@bt:~/Desktop/firm# file custom-x.cramfs.img
custom-x.cramfs.img: u-boot/PPCBoot image

Now I’ve searched all over to try and decompress or extract .cramfs.img files, but have found nothing.

Some forums say to use this: (after installing cramfs support)

mount -o loop -t cramfs image_file /mount/point

But I get this:

root@bt:~/Desktop/firm# mount -o loop -t cramfs user-x.cramfs.img /tmp/image
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

running dmesg | tail gives me cramfs: wrong magic.
Running cramfsck gives me ramfsck: superblock magic not found .

So I have a few cramfs.img files, which I have no idea what to do with.

I ran strings on romfs and got some interesting stuff:

Compressed ROMFSv
+ a lot more that I ommited...

So there is definitely something inside, I can see the filenames, so its not encrypted or anything. I need to extract this somehow.

So I talked with Domonkos Tomcsányi, and he suggested that the .cramfs.img file is not a cramfs file, but instead as file suggests a u-boot/PPCBoot image.

But how do we extract a u-boot/PPCBoot image? Time to google again. Google returns some interesting results. The first link was saying something about mkimage adding 64 bytes of header, and stripping it with dd would reveal some gzipped data. Lets try this!

root@bt:~/Desktop/firm# dd bs=1 skip=64 if=user-x.cramfs.img of=user-x2.cramfs.img
3133440+0 records in
3133440+0 records out
3133440 bytes (3.1 MB) copied, 4.43597 s, 706 kB/s

Okay, now lets run file, and see what it says.

root@bt:~/Desktop/firm# file user-x2.cramfs.img
user-x2.cramfs.img: Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endian size 3133440 version #2 sorted_dirs CRC 0xa13058c3, edition 0, 1066 blocks, 121 files

Cool! 121 files sounds nice! Now lets mount up the img with the stripped header!

root@bt:~/Desktop/firm# mkdir /tmp/foo
root@bt:~/Desktop/firm# mount -o loop user-x2.cramfs.img /tmp/foo/

Now lets see whats inside!

root@bt:~/Desktop/firm# cd /tmp/foo
root@bt:/tmp/foo# ls
bin etc lib sbin

Cool! We successfully mounted img file. Now its time to dig around and look for that telnet password!

Whats this in romfs-x? at /etc/passwd 🙂
we have a line like this:


then there is another file called passwd- (have no idea what this is for…)


Okay, so we see from these files, that they are not shadow-ed… Instead of looking like this: username:x: they have some kind of hash in the place of x

Now this the part where I realised that this entire process has already been done by some Russian guys 🙂 My friend Domonkos Tomcsányi googled the hash 😉 Seems to be the same for a lot of IP-Cameras and DVRs. I downloaded hash-identifier and it identified it as a DES hash. So now we basically just need to crack this hash somehow. I used John-the-ripper for this task! By the way, john also immediately identified the hash as DES128.
The hash in passwd- was cracked instantly, the one in passwd took a few hours.

I also took a look at a firmware for a CP-Plus DVR (A lot more complex than the Identivison) It has a similar structure, except the bin file is not just a zip archive, its more complex. Now this is the part, where I realised again, that instead of doing everything manually, I could just usebinwalk, and have this entire process automated 😉 Try this: binwalk -Me firmware.bin and watch the magic happen 🙂 Binwalk is awesome!!! Oh, and the hash in the CP-Plus was a little different, it used a FreeBSD MD5 [32/32] hash according to john. John is currently cracking the hash 🙂

Security differences between the Identivision DVR and the CP-Plus DVR are actually quite big. For example the Identivison can make use of only numbers 0–9 and a “_” character for a 6 character long password. This gives us 11 to the power of 6 number of combinations. While the CP-Plus makes use of the entire alphanumerical range including special characters. Although this does not affect the login security via the VGA frontend, when using the exact same password for a WebUI which is often thrown out on the internet, and brute force protection not implemented, it is a big security risk!

I gave a presentation about this at Hacktivity. Below you can see the youtube video.

Presentation at Hacktivity

Originally published on my old blog on June 12, 2013.

